
We all have a stake in each other’s success. We all benefit when our community, our region, our country is healthy. Law enforcement, fire & rescue, social work, military, child welfare, prosecutors, corrections, EMS and paramedics, risk their own welfare to protect the community. It is easy to criticize these professionals, but what is needed is understanding. Understanding that these professionals operate in hazardous environment. Understanding the need to maintain peak physical and mental preparedness to properly handle dangerous and complex situations.

If you or your organization are able to donate, Level 6 will put your generosity to work and to assist the wellness of those professions. If you have a specific organization you want to help, please let us know and we will work to put your philanthropy into action.

Level 6 Wellness provides critical preventative health education and support to first responders, ER workers, and other high stress occupations that serve the community. Your tax-deductible donation will help us create effective wellness programs and research that treat the effects of working in these high stress professions.

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